
Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead.
Иногда, только иногда, мне кажется, что я страдаю хуйней.

20.07.2011 в 03:53

After all this time? Always
20.07.2011 в 05:05

Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead.
marsi во-во!
20.07.2011 в 06:55

а ты ей наслаждайся. )
20.07.2011 в 11:02

Now I'll sing you the ballad of Optimus Prime. He was the greatest Transformer there were of all time. He was a big rig, a robot, and a really nice guy. He was proof that a hero's more than meets the eye.
Вааа какая Хуйня!
20.07.2011 в 11:54

Now I'll sing you the ballad of Optimus Prime. He was the greatest Transformer there were of all time. He was a big rig, a robot, and a really nice guy. He was proof that a hero's more than meets the eye.
выползи на связь есть тема потусить завтра у меня ночером
20.07.2011 в 12:40

Серый ветер воли.
а зачем тебе такое?О-о
20.07.2011 в 12:47

Now I'll sing you the ballad of Optimus Prime. He was the greatest Transformer there were of all time. He was a big rig, a robot, and a really nice guy. He was proof that a hero's more than meets the eye.
Just_Night ебашитьвкашу!!!!
20.07.2011 в 13:55

Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead.
Just_Night слушай Мари, она дело говорит.

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